1/11/22. NCCC is experiencing technical difficulties with our phone system. We can only receive calls into the Perinatal HIV/AIDS line at this time. We are sorry for the inconvenience. You may still submit a case for consultation for HIV, Hep C and Substance Use by clicking on the appropriate consultation links below. Otherwise, please call back at a later time.

Clinical Training

The NCCC is a member of the HRSA AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) Program, which provides training, continuing education, resources, and learning opportunities free of charge for healthcare providers on HIV and related topics. The AETC program supports a network of eight regional centers and more than 130 local performance sites.

No-Cost Training and Education for Providers

The AIDS Education and Training Centers conduct targeted, multidisciplinary education and training programs for health care providers treating persons living with HIV/AIDS. The NCCC serves as the program’s national consultation service. The mission of the AETCs is to improve the quality of life of patients living with HIV/AIDS through the provision of high-quality professional education and training.

Find a Location Near You

The AETCs serve all 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the six U.S.-affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions. You can access Regional AETC information, including direct contact information for your Regional AETC, by clicking the map below.

Regional AETCs

AETC Training Centers Map

Visit the AETC National Resource Center for a complete AETC directory.

NCCC Observership Program

The NCCC offers a free virtual clinical observership for U.S.-based clinicians in training who are at the postgraduate level. Observers work directly with NCCC expert consultants including participating in calls and case-based teaching.

For information on the program and how to apply, visit our NCCC Observership Program page.

Online Curriculum

  • The National HIV Curriculum
    Developed by the AIDS Education and Training Center program, the National HIV Curriculum offers free online continuing education for novice-to-expert health professionals, students, and faculty.
    Visit website
  • The National HIV/HCV Co-infection Curriculum
    Developed by the AIDS Education and Training Center program, the goal of this curriculum is to provide an evidence-based online curriculum for healthcare providers and trainers of healthcare providers to increase their knowledge on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection among people of color in the United States and its territories.
    Visit website

Smart Tools

The following tools are designed for use with smart devices to aid you in your practice of treating HIV/AIDS and other bloodborne pathogens.

  • AETC’s HIV Care Tools (mobile app)
    AIDS Education & Training Center (AETC) National Coordinating Resource Center’s HIV Care Tools provides one-touch access to HIV care information. This app is for busy clinicians serving people with or at risk for HIV, as well as for the next generation of HIV care providers. Available for iPhone and Android devices.
    Open Link Visit Website
    QR code image for AETC app in Google Play store