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Dr. Ron Goldschmidt, Founder of NCCC

To Ron: Honoring Dr. Ron Goldschmidt, MD, NCCC Founder and Family Medicine Pioneer

On July 22, 2024, we said goodbye to Ron Goldschmidt, MD, the founder of the National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) and a pioneer in family medicine and HIV care. At the age of 80, Dr. Goldschmidt’s passing marked the end of a remarkable life dedicated to progress, compassion, and innovation. As we reflect on his […]

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Publication: HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Champion Preceptorship Training for Pharmacists and Nurses in the United States

In 2021, the National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) developed a novel PrEP champion preceptorship to increase pharmacists’, advanced practice registered nurses’, and registered nurses’ comfort and clinical capacity concerning PrEP delivery. This paper describes the need for this specialized training, the development process, and the training’s impact on learners’ knowledge and capabilities to enhance PrEP […]

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National HIV Testing Day – June 27th

In support of National HIV Testing Day (June 27), the NCCC would like to encourage all health care providers, regardless of practice setting or location, to offer HIV testing to adolescents and adults, including pregnant persons. For providers interested in more information, this brief review of HIV care includes details on screening and testing as […]