In honor of National Hepatitis Awareness Month, the CCC is sharing a case from its CCC VA Hepline. The Hepline is currently a service for medical providers at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs institutions and clinics only. Case Summary An infectious disease clinician called about a 44-year-old patient with a history of injection drug use […]
Archive by Author
Case of the Month: Diabetes and ARV Selection
Case Summary A doctor asked about a 48-year-old African-American male who had been diagnosed with HIV in 2001. The patient is currently taking an abacavir/lamivudine combo pill, tenofovir, atazanavir, and ritonavir. The patient’s mutations included M184V and KI103N. The patient’s CD4 count was 560, with an undetectable viral load. The patient had recently been diagnosed […]
Welcome to the CCC!
Hello and welcome to the HRSA – AETC Clinician Consultation Center! We’re excited to announce a number of new services and resources to enhance what you’ve historically received from the Warmline, PEPline, and Perintal HIV Hotline. To offer you expert and timely consultation on HIV/AIDS and bloodborne pathogen exposures, we’ve added online consultation and case-tracking […]
Case of the Month: Possible False Positive HIV Test
Case Summary A physician called about HIV screening for a 38-year-old man who wanted to be tested because he was getting married and had a history of injection drug use. He had been sober for 2 years at the time of the screening test. The patient had initially had a 4th generation HIV test that […]
Case of the Month: Managing PEP Side Effects
Case summary A physician asked about a 61-year-old female hotel housekeeper who had sustained a hypodermic needle exposure while cleaning a room that had been rented by known injection drug users. She had used tongs to pick up a visible syringe, but was stuck by two additional syringes that were trapped in the sheets. Several […]
Case of the Month: HIV and Hepatitis B Co-Infection
Case summary A physician asked about a 46-year-old man co-infected with hepatitis B (HBV) and HIV since 2004. This was the patient’s first office visit, and no previous medical records were available. The patient had developed anemia, possibly from zidovudine. The patient was taking tenofovir/emtricitabine/efavirenz (Atripla™), but had run out of medication two weeks prior […]