Come join us!
(photo: Elisabeth Fall)
Our work
The National Clinician Consultation Center’s mission is to promote health equities in the United States by helping every health care professional feel supported and confident in their decision-making through evidenced-informed, person-centered clinical guidance and education. For more than 30 years, the NCCC has provided free tailored clinical education to health care providers nationally. Our team of dedicated multidisciplinary clinician education specialists provide decision-making support on state-of-the-art HIV, viral hepatitis, and substance use care-based education and support to health care providers.
Our community
We are proud of our long-standing association with University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), a leading university dedicated to the promotion of health through biomedical research and excellence in patient care. UCSF’s tradition of excellence as the best provider of health care, and its reputation as an excellent environment for teaching and research — make UCSF an excellent place to enhance your career.
Current openings
About the NCCC
We’re a part of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) AIDS Education and Training Program, a component of the Ryan White Program. Through funding from HRSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other partners, we provide clinical education services free of charge to health care providers nationally. The NCCC is part of UCSF’s Department of Family and Community Medicine (FCM), whose mission is to improve health through excellence and innovation in patient care, education, research, advocacy, and community empowerment. The department is deciated to building a just and equitable society, recognizing that health and illness are shaped by the contexts of people’s lives.
Learn more about us: About the Center