NCCC PrEP Champion Preceptorship

The National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) is accepting applications for its “PrEP Champion Preceptorship”, which will be held in Spring 2025. This unique, no-cost preceptorship is designed to be an intensive PrEP training and capacity-building opportunity for pharmacists, nurses, and other clinical team members who are interested in advancing their PrEP care-related knowledge and skills. Space is limited, and applicants must be clinicians at Ending the HIV Epidemic-Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) awarded health centers. For more information, please visit PrEP Champion Preceptorship Page.

HIV/AIDS Management

Expert clinical advice on providing optimal care to your HIV-positive patients, from initiating antiretroviral regimens to managing HIV/AIDS and comorbidities.

Perinatal HIV/AIDS

Immediate advice on HIV management in pregnancy and infants, including referral to care.

Hepatitis C Management

Expert clinical advice on HCV testing, staging, monitoring, and treatment including hepatitis C mono- and co-infection.

Substance Use Management

Expert clinical advice for healthcare providers on substance use evaluation and management.

PEP: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis

Expert advice on managing occupational and non-occupational exposures to HIV and hepatitis B & C.

PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Up-to-date clinical advice on providing PrEP as a prevention tool, from determining when prescribing PrEP is appropriate to understanding follow-up tests.

Resources for Providers

The NCCC is a member of the HRSA AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) Program, which provides training, continuing education, resources, and learning opportunities free of charge for healthcare providers on HIV and related topics. The AETC program supports a network of eight regional centers and more than 130 local performance sites.


Resources for Patients

The NCCC provides consultation to assist healthcare providers only. If you are a patient who may have sustained an exposure to HIV or hepatitis B or C, please proceed to your nearest urgent or emergency medical facility. If you have questions about your own or a family member’s HIV care, please have your provider contact us directly, or contact one of the following patient resources.